D1 Playoffs | Omaha, NE |
Oct 2-4 |
October 2, 2015
By Anita Riot
The second game of the WFTDA International Division 1 Playoffs in Omaha, Nebraska, featured cross-border rivals #8 seed Toronto’s CN Power (#32) of Canada and #9 seed Queen City Roller Girls’ Lake Effect Furies (#33) of Buffalo, New York. The history between the teams delivered a riveting showdown for the quarterfinal bracket and a shot at #1 seed Gotham Rollergirls (#1).
Photo by Donna Olmstead
With 33 total jammer penalties, two Toronto skaters ejected for their seventh penalty, and two of Queen City at their sixth, both teams tested their opponents with impressive maneuvers down to the last wire. Time and penalty management were the crucial elements to clinch a win in the final five minutes. In the end, the Furies took the upset over the CN Power with a final score of 229-232, sending Toronto to the consolation bracket.
The Furies took first blood with a 4-0 jam by powerhouse LiBRAWLian. The next jam featured Toronto’s top scorer, Mad Megz, who put up her own 4-0 for an early tie. The teams traded blows for two more jams until the first jammer penalty went to Queen City, which allowed Toronto to take a 14-0 jam for a 23-8 score. Unfortunately for Toronto, jammer Mad Megz picked up a back block near the end of the jam, giving Queen City a power start to answer back with an 18-1 jam and reclaim the lead at 24-26.
Photo by Jim Dier
Each time CN Power took the advantage, Queen City was quick to follow up with a counter play. It wasn’t until Jam 15 when the Furies’ jammer incurred two penalties after getting lead jammer that Toronto stayed on an upswing. They extended their lead to 133-97 at the half, but not without a substantial amount of penalty box shuffling between both teams’ jammers. A track cut by the Furies’ jammer with seconds left on the period clock gifts Toronto with a power start to begin the second half.
Power’s Bala-Reina pirouetted her way through her power jam as Murphy performed an illegal procedure out of the box drawn by a quick Toronto blocker. The score now 152-97, Queen City had significant catching up to do--which they did with fervor starting with Jam 26 by shortening the deficit to 159-130. At the 12 minute mark, Toronto already short a blocker due to ejection, and Queen City just within striking distance, LiBRAWLIAN seemed to take the reins and lead the charge for her team, first with a 5-0, then a devastating 24-0 blow.
In Jam 33, both jammers received two penalties each, leveling the score to 202-205 in Queen City’s favor. Another jam later, the score was 229-227 just as Mad Megz incurred her seventh penalty after grabbing a last 19-0 for her team. With ten seconds remaining, the Furies take the power start. LiBRAWLIAN clutched lead and ensured a grand slam tipped the board to her team’s favor and the period clock had expired before she called off the jam.
Queen City goes on to play state sisters Gotham Girls Roller Derby today at 6 pm CDT, and Toronto will take on Boston Derby Dames (#23) at 10 am Saturday.
Toronto Roller Derby (#32) 229
Queen City Roller Girls (#33) 232
Real. Strong. Athletic. Revolutionary.