D2 Playoffs

Kitchener-Waterloo, ON

  • Photo by Bob Ayers

Team Profile

Boulder County Bombers (#54)


Team Name: Boulder County All-Stars

Based In: Boulder, Colorado, USA

Joined WFTDA: September 2013

Previous Playoffs and Championships Appearances: First time qualifying

2014 Season Record: 5-1


0717 - Catapult
11 - Trixie Von Teaze
117 - Muscle Leanie
132 - Shirley Mowyadowny
151 - Smashalotapus
204 - Jenitellya
247 - Give 'em Elle
357 - Mallory Knox-n-Blocks
451 - Dinah Fire
5 - MissFortune Cookie
504 - Fleur de Beast
666 - Short Stack
717 - Her She Bad
727 - Jaynesrous Jukes
815 - Feist E. One
82 - Murderface Maully
88 - CatastroPhoebe
A1 - Sauce
H2O - Skinny DipHer
M16 - Meg My Day


What was the turning point for your league to make it to Playoffs this season?
We are new and really just going to the tournaments we could get into in order to get ranked which were Wild West and Dust Devil this year. Because we hadn't been ranked most teams would not commit to play us. So, we went the tournament route and worked our butts off!!!

What are some game highlights from your travel team season this year?
Just winning as many bouts as we did. We lost to Arizona, but we came out and won a lot of games that were unexpected. We took a lot of people by surprise this year and that felt really awesome.

Does your league have a motto, or words that it lives by?
Ours is "Live Bold, Bleed Gold" To us it is our league. We are black and gold and it speaks to what those colors and our league means to us.

Real. Strong. Athletic. Revolutionary.