WFTDA Championships

Nashville, TN

  • Photo by Danforth Johnson

Game 1: Denver Roller Dolls (Sacramento Seed #2) vs Philly Roller Girls (Charleston Seed #3)

October 31, 2014

By Lexistential Crisis

In the first game of the international 2014 WFTDA Championships Sacramento Seed #2 Denver Roller Dolls (#8) finished nine points ahead of Charleston Seed #3 Philly Roller Girls (#10). The final score of 148-139 fairly represents how close the entire game was, as both teams showed off their defensive and offensive skills.

Denver Roller Dolls vs Philly Roller Girls in Game 1 at 2014 WFTDA Championships

Photo by Ryan Quick

Philly started the game with a lead after VanEssa ‘V-Diva’ Sites took advantage of a power jam to score 24 points in the second jam. In the next jam Denver blockers Salvador, Lester, and Akers held back Brazillian Nut as Urrk’n Martin scored 10 points. With 25 minutes left in the half the score was 24-13.

Over the next five jams Philly strengthened their lead and held Denver to 13 points. Clam Jammer, Herrmann Monster, Brazillian Nut, and VanEssa ‘V-Diva’ Sites all pushed through impressive Denver walls to bring Philly’s points to 51. Constant recycling by their blockers kept Denver’s jammers from earning lead and being able to score points.

Denver broke their scoreless streak about halfway through the first half after Bucsek spun out of the pack to earn lead jammer status. Denver continued to add points throughout the rest of the first half, thanks in part to two power jams. Wilhelm scored 16 points and Urrk’n Martin scored 20. With 6:30 left in the first half Denver was only two points behind with Philly with 62 to their 64 points.

In the next jam Denver took the lead as Wilhelm scored another eight points while Akers, S.H. Long, Salvador, and Beck built strong walls to stop Clam Jammer. To finish the half, Philly regained the lead after Sites scored 15 points to bring the halftime score to 76-82.

Denver Roller Dolls vs Philly Roller Girls in Game 1 at 2014 WFTDA Championships

Photo by Joey Miller

The second half started in favor of Philly until their jammer cut the track in the third jam and Denver tied the score at 88. In the next jam, Denver took advantage of a second power jam as Bucsek snuck through Philly’s walls with some help from her blockers to earn 16 points. Five minutes into the second half Denver took the lead with 104 points over Philly’s 89.

Denver maintained a lead throughout the rest of the game, but Philly was never far behind. Tarantula, Heavy Flo, Teflon Donna, and Ginger Vitis recycled and pushed out Denver’s jammers to keep them from having any large scoring runs. This allowed Philly’s jammers to add points to their own total. Brazillian Nut and Sites added a collective 31 points to Philly’s total in the final 15 minutes of the game.

With three minutes left, Denver held an 18-point lead with 148 points to Philly’s 130. The next jam brought the entire arena to their feet as both jammers were unable to find a way past the dynamic walls of Akers, Salvador, Lester, and Dowgiallo for Denver and Russian Bayou, Heavy Flo, Tarantula, and Mishel Castro for Philly. Wilhelm and Herrmann Monster fought for two minutes and neither made it out of the pack for their initial pass. Philly called a team time out right after that jam to preserve time on the clock. They ended the game with Sites earning lead jammer and scoring a final 9 points to bring the score to 148-139.

Denver Roller Dolls vs Philly Roller Girls in Game 1 at 2014 WFTDA Championships

Photo by Joey Miller

Denver’s points were almost evenly distributed between Bucsek, Wilhelm, and and Urrk’n Martin with 45, 42, and 36 points, respectively. VanEssa ‘V-Diva’ Sites led Philly with 72 points and Brazilian Nut added 30.

Denver moves on to play Bay Area Derby Girls (Salt Lake City Seed #1, #3) tomorrow at 10 am CDT.

Final Score

Denver Roller Dolls (Sacramento #2) 148
Philly Roller Girls (Charleston #3) 139

Real. Strong. Athletic. Revolutionary.