D2 Playoffs

Cleveland, OH

Aug 21-23
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Team Profile

Columbia QuadSquad (#46)

Columbia QuadSquad Team Page


Team Name: All Stars

Based in: Columbia, South Carolina, USA

Joined WFTDA: March 2012

Previous Playoffs and Championships Experience:

2014 8th Place, D1 Charleston
2013 10th Place, D1 Asheville

2015 Record: 4-2

Playoffs Charter

0 Do U Juana
003 Agent Cherry Maim'her
007 Poison Violet
10 Red
12 Meg Riot
14 Joy Recc-Her
17 Flann
2 Rox Ann Stones
25 Chuck-Town Bruiser (C)
270 Owl Gore
32 Hollywood Howitzer
321 Dani Dynamite
350 Roxy Rampage!
4 Cinnamon
430 Angrybird-T
828 Sour Hour
9 Holly Hunter
999 Barney Rebel
DV8 Creecher


What was the turning point for your league to make it to Playoffs this season?
Our goal was to make it to D1 again. That didn't happen, but we are no less excited to be participating in D2. We experienced a huge amount of turnover in 2014, and our team has been working really hard to be able to participate in any WFTDA playoff.

Is your travel team doing anything new or special to prepare for Playoffs?
We have been challenging ourselves and playing harder teams such as Steel City. We led the entire game and lost by 35 in the last 7 minutes on July 11! We also enlisted the help of Mercy, formerly of Rose City to host us in a coaching clinic. We've just been working really hard to get our walls as tight as possible!

Who is the newest skater to your travel team? Your most veteran skater?
Our most veteran skater is Holly Hunter who has been with the league since it's first game in 2007. Our newest skaters are Owl Gore and Cinnamon who were in fresh meat last year! We are so proud of them for working hard and making the All Star charter so soon after going through fresh meat. Owl Gore has tons of endurance as she runs marathons. Cinnamon has always been an athlete and brings a lot of physicality to whatever position she plays.

Real. Strong. Athletic. Revolutionary.