Latest news, events, and information about the WFTDA.
January 22, 2016
The WFTDA is pleased to announce additions to its list of 2016 WFTDA-Recognized Tournaments. These tournament organizers have demonstrated they will meet the standards for tournament officiating and games management set by the WFTDA-Recognized Tournaments program and have received the right to carry the WFTDA-Recognized Tournament brand.
January 22, 2016
Today, the WFTDA has extended Apprentice membership to an additional 10 leagues worldwide. The WFTDA Apprentice Program is designed to serve as a stepping stone to full WFTDA membership, to ensure that leagues are well prepared for the transition to a WFTDA Member League.
January 13, 2016
The WFTDA Officials Certification Committee has launched a new section on to provide a more comprehensive outline of the WFTDA Officials Certification program and has made some adjustments to better serve the roller derby officiating community in 2016.
January 12, 2016
The latest WFTDA team rankings were released today, incorporating the results of games played through December 31, 2015.
January 8, 2016
The Women's Flat Track Derby Association is excited to extend full membership status to 26 additional leagues today, following their successful completion of the WFTDA Apprentice Program.
Real. Strong. Athletic. Revolutionary.