Latest news, events, and information about the WFTDA.
April 6, 2011
This weekend, April 9 & 10, 2011 at WFTDA recognized event, ANARCHY IN THE UK hosted by the London Rollergirls, there will be a WFTDA-led Referee Evaluator session for the purpose of learning how to complete WFTDA official evaluations as representatives of your member league.
March 30, 2011
Today we announce the results of WFTDA's second annual comprehensive demographic survey of modern roller derby fans and athletes.
March 1, 2011
WFTDA is pleased to announce that, as of March 1, 2011, six additional women’s flat track roller derby leagues have graduated WFTDA's Apprentice Program to become full members of the organization.
February 15, 2011
The WFTDA is accepting bids from video production and broadcasting companies to cover the WFTDA 2011 “Big Five" Tournaments: five three-day weekends of women’s flat-track roller derby in September, October, and November, 2011.
February 10, 2011
The WFTDA is honored to announce the second annual WFTDA Referee Training Clinic cycle.
Real. Strong. Athletic. Revolutionary.