The Rules of Flat Track Roller Derby

NOTE: You are viewing the March 1, 2014 revision of The Rules of Flat Track Roller Derby, which is officially retired.

The current version of the rules can be found at Rules Central.

6.3 - Both Jammers Penalized/Both Jammers Off the Track

Concurrent Jammer penalties shorten the penalty time of both Jammers. Both Jammers will serve the same exact amount of time before they are each allowed back into play. When the second Jammer is seated in the Penalty Box, the first Jammer, who has already been serving time, is released back into play by the Penalty Box Official. The exact amount of time the first Jammer served before release will be the exact amount of time the second Jammer will serve before the second Jammer is released back into play. (Section 6.3.4 is still applicable.)

Example: Jammer A has served 17 seconds when Jammer B is seated in the Penalty Box. Jammer A is released from the Penalty Box and Jammer B begins to serve 17 seconds. The actual time both Jammers serve will always be equal with the only exception being the end of the game as the final jam is whistled dead.

6.3.1 - If the first penalized Jammer is sent back to the box after being released from the Penalty Box while the second penalized Jammer is still serving their required time, the game will continue without a Jammer on the track for the duration of any penalty time that is required to be served. - If the jam clock expires with both Jammers in the box serving their required time, a new jam will begin without Jammers on the Jammer Line. Both Jammers will return to play following completion of any required penalty time.

6.3.2 - If both Jammers are seated in the box at the same exact moment, both Jammers will serve 10 seconds before they are simultaneously released back into play by the Penalty Box Official. In all other cases, no minimum time to serve will be required.

6.3.3 - If any jam ends with one Jammer in the box and the second Jammer skating toward the box after being sent off the track, the penalty time for the Jammer who is already in the box will end with the fourth jam-ending whistle. That Jammer will start the new jam from the Penalty Box as their team’s Jammer, and will be allowed to return to play behind the rearmost pack skater after the jam-starting whistle in the new jam. The second Jammer will begin the new jam in the box to serve their required time. - A team may not make a substitution for either Jammer.

6.3.4 - If a penalized Jammer exits the Penalty Box before being officially dismissed by an Official, that Jammer will be required to return to the box and serve any unserved time, no matter how small. Per Section 5.13.23, that Jammer will also be assessed a penalty. - If the other Jammer is seated in the box before the first Jammer has returned to the box to serve their time, the second Jammer will remain in the box until their penalty is complete, or until the first Jammer is once again seated, whichever comes first. When the original Jammer is once again seated, they will serve the remainder of their first penalty, plus the amount of time served by the second Jammer. This combined penalty time will be served by the original Jammer regardless of the other Jammer’s actions from this point forward.

6.3.5 - If a penalized Jammer is incorrectly dismissed early from the Penalty Box by an Official, that Jammer will be required to return to the box and serve any unserved time, no matter how small. This Jammer will not be assessed a penalty. - If the other Jammer is seated in the box before the first Jammer has returned to the box, they will serve as many seconds as the original Jammer had served. The original Jammer is thereby excused from their unserved time, and is no longer required to return to the box. If they report to the box anyway, they will be instructed to return to the track.

6.3.6 - If one team’s Jammer does not make it on to the track in time to participate in the jam and during the course of that jam the opposing team’s Jammer is sent off for a penalty, the jam will be whistled dead when the penalized Jammer is seated in the Penalty Box. The Jammer will begin the new jam in the box and the team that did not field a Jammer in the previous jam will be allowed to field a Jammer in the new jam. - In the new jam, skater substitutions from the bench are allowed, with the exception of the penalized Jammer.

6.3.7 - With one Jammer already in the box or if a team fails to field a Jammer, if the opposing team’s Jammer leaves the jam due to equipment failure or malfunction, the jam will not be called off. The jam will continue without a Jammer on the track until the Jammer who left returns to play after the equipment issue has been addressed, or until the penalized Jammer’s penalty time has expired, whichever comes first.

6.3.8 - With one Jammer already in the box or if a team fails to field a Jammer, if the opposing team’s Jammer leaves the jam due to an injury, the jam will be whistled dead after it has been determined by the referee that the Jammer will not be returning to play. A new jam will be started with the penalized Jammer still in the box serving the remainder of the required penalty time and the opposing team fielding a new Jammer. - In the new jam skater substitutions from the bench are allowed with the exception of an injured Jammer, who must now sit for either three jams (per Section 9.3.1), or the remainder of the period (per Section

6.3.9 - With one Jammer already in the box, if the opposing team’s Jammer leaves the jam because of a decision to quit playing (e.g., sits on their team’s bench mid-jam, leaves the track area mid-jam), the jam will be whistled dead after it has been determined by the referee that the Jammer will not be returning to play (Section 6.3.7 and Section 6.3.8 do not apply). A new jam will be started with the penalized Jammer still in the box serving the remainder of the required penalty time, and the opposing team fielding a new Jammer. The Jammer who ends a jam by quitting is to be considered as having quit the game. That Jammer is not permitted to return to play for the remainder of the game.

6.3.10 - If the first penalized Jammer has fouled out of or has been expelled from the game, when the second penalized Jammer is seated in the box the jam will be whistled dead. The first penalized Jammer’s team will field a new Jammer in the new jam. The substitute Jammer will start the new jam in the Penalty Box, and will be released upon the jam-starting whistle. The second Jammer will remain in the box at the start of the new jam and will serve an amount of time equal to the first Jammer (see Section 6.4.5). - Teammates may be substituted in the new jam, with the exception of any skaters who still owe penalty time.

6.3.11 - When a penalized Jammer is serving more than one consecutive penalty in the Penalty Box and the opposing Jammer arrives in the Penalty Box when the first penalized Jammer has more than 30 seconds of penalty time remaining to serve, the arriving Jammer will be released back into play by the Penalty Box Official immediately after taking their seat in the Penalty Box. The remaining penalty time of the first Jammer is reduced by 30 seconds. - If the opposing Jammer arrives during the timing of the first penalized Jammer’s final penalty, normal rules apply to the second penalized Jammer (see Section 6.3 - Both Jammers Penalized/Both Jammers Off the Track).

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