The Rules of Flat Track Roller Derby

7.2 - Points

7.2.1 - Points are earned when the Jammer passes each opponent, including those who have been knocked to the floor, are out of play, or are considered to be in the Penalty Box. Illegal passes that do not warrant a penalty also earn points for Jammers, except where specified in Sections 5.11.5–5.11.8 - No Pass/No Penalty. - The Jammer earns a Not-On-the-Track (NOTT) point for each opponent who is not on the track immediately upon scoring the first point on any opposing Blocker in each scoring pass, including those opposing Blockers who are still physically on the track but have been directed to the Penalty Box. If the jam ends before the Jammer scores, said additional points will not be awarded. The following are examples of points the Jammer will earn in this manner: - Opponents in the Penalty Box. - Opponents who have been assessed a penalty sent to the Penalty Box (even if they are still on the track). - Opponents who failed to be on the track when the jam-starting whistle blew. - Opponents who removed themselves from play. - Opponents who have removed themselves from the track will be scored upon as though they were on the track (but out of bounds) until it has been determined they have removed themselves from play (until they return to play, if they are allowed; see Section 9.3.3). - Opponents who have returned from the Penalty Box behind the Jammer. - Standard scoring rules and requirements apply to opponents returning from the Penalty Box who skate ahead of the Jammer before the Jammer is able to earn their first point in that scoring pass. - Points for opponents who have not yet been scored upon in an incomplete scoring pass by a penalized Jammer, who themselves are penalized while the Jammer is serving penalty time, will be awarded to the penalized Jammer upon the Jammer’s legal in-bounds re-entry onto the track in the same jam, or upon passing any opposing Blocker (if their re-entry was illegal). If the jam ends before this occurs, points for those opponents will not be awarded. The Jammer may still earn those points by legally passing those opponents in the same jam.

7.2.2 - Points are announced by hand signal once the Jammer has exited the front of the Engagement Zone (see Section - Once a scoring pass is complete (see Section, a Jammer cannot score points unearned in their previous scoring pass.

7.2.3 - Points are earned until the end of the fourth whistle of the jam-ending signal.

7.2.4 - If the jam ends when the Jammer is still in the pack, the points for any passed opponents will be announced immediately. - The Jammer will also be awarded points for opposing Blockers on the track who have advanced ahead of the Engagement Zone and have not yet returned, if said Blockers were not previously scored upon during that scoring pass.

7.2.5 - Out of Play Points: Upon completion of a scoring pass (see Section 7.1.5), a Jammer will score a point for every Blocker who has advanced ahead of the Engagement Zone and not yet returned. - Only Blockers who have not yet been scored upon in that pass can be scored upon in this manner. - If a Blocker has been scored upon in this manner, they may not be scored upon again by being passed until they have returned to the Engagement Zone.

7.2.6 - Once a Jammer earns a point, that point can never be taken away. - Points awarded in error are points that have not been legally earned by a Jammer and have been awarded to their team incorrectly and/or erroneously by an Official or as the result of a technology malfunction. As these points have not been earned, they can be revoked after they have been awarded. - Points denied in error are points that were legally earned by a Jammer, but have not been awarded to their team; for example, due to officiating error or technology malfunction. As these points have been legitimately earned, they may be bestowed after they normally would have. - If a point is awarded or denied in error, this error must be corrected prior to the conclusion of the following jam. - If an error persists past the conclusion of the following jam, it will stand as part of the Official Score. Any changes made to the visible score during the following jam may be reviewed (per Section 1.11 - Official Reviews) after that jam concludes, as the score change was made during that jam, even if the original incident occurred earlier. - If less than two minutes remain on the Official Period Clock during the second period, points awarded or denied in error must be corrected prior to the start, rather than the conclusion, of the following jam. Officials may take Official Timeouts as necessary to ensure that the score is correct prior to the start of such a jam.

7.2.7 - Jammers cannot score points while in the Penalty Box. - When the Jammer finishes serving a penalty, the Jammer continues their scoring pass exactly where the Jammer left off. For example: If the Jammer has scored on opposing Blockers A and B when sent to the Penalty Box, the Jammer retains those points. When the penalty finishes in the same jam, the Jammer remains on the same scoring pass and can only score on opposing Blockers C and D. (See Section 2.4 - Lead Jammer for Lead Jammer details.) - A Jammer exiting the Penalty Box will still be on the same pass the Jammer was on when the Jammer was penalized, even if all points for a pass have been awarded. The Jammer will immediately earn points for passing Blockers who are outside of the Engagement Zone, behind the Jammer, upon re-entry (see Section - When the Jammer’s penalty spans into the next jam, the Jammer starts all of their passes over. The Jammer’s points are announced at the end of the one jam and in the next jam the Jammer begins their initial pass at the jam-starting whistle.

7.2.8 - Jammer Lap Point: If one Jammer completely laps the opposing Jammer, while both Jammers are on the track, the lapping Jammer will score one point. - The scoring Jammer does not need to be on a scoring pass to score a Jammer Lap Point. - The scoring Jammer does not need to be “ahead” in terms of the number of scoring passes completed to score a Jammer Lap Point. - NOTT Points and Jammer Lap Points are mutually exclusive per pass: Once a Jammer has scored a Jammer Lap Point on the opposing Jammer, the scoring Jammer cannot score a NOTT Point on the opposing Jammer until their following pass. Conversely, if a Jammer has scored a NOTT Point on the opposing Jammer, the scoring Jammer cannot also score a Jammer Lap Point until they have once again completely lapped the opposing Jammer while both Jammers are on the track.

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