WFTDA Launches Beta Testing Program to Review Cutting the Track and Initiation Proposals

January 29, 2016

As a part of the January 1, 2017, Rules of Flat Track Roller Derby revision process, the WFTDA Rules Committee has launched a beta testing program designed to gather data and feedback on two rules proposals that were generated out of community feedback and WFTDA membership discussions.

  • modifying Rule 5.11 - Cutting the Track to allow for a Skater to yield position in order to mitigate the effects of a cut, thus preventing a penalty

  • examining changes to initiation in Rule 4.1.2 that would not penalize Skaters in situations where a Skater unintentionally and unavoidably initiates illegal contact

Confirmed leagues participating in the beta testing program are:


Big Easy Rollergirls
CT RollerGirls
Dublin Roller Derby
Dupage Derby Dames
Garden State Rollergirls
Jacksonville Rollergirls
Mad Rollin’ Dolls
Maine Roller Derby
Rose City Rollers
Sacred City Derby Girls
Silicon Valley Roller Girls
Undead Bettys


Manchester Roller Derby
Portland Men’s Roller Derby

Beta testing will be conducted by participating leagues from December 2015 through March 2016, with leagues playing a minimum of four regulation games under oversight of the WFTDA Rules Committee. Leagues will be asked to fill out surveys and collect statistics to review the impact of the proposed change.

Any other league wishing to play under either or both of these proposals may provide feedback to

Based on feedback collected, recommendations and/or rules change proposals will be presented to WFTDA membership for review in mid-April 2016. Any changes voted in by membership after beta testing would be incorporated into the January 1, 2017, rules release, scheduled for release in December 2016.

Learn more about the Rules Beta Testing Program

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