The WFTDA Releases Rules Clarification on Positional Blocking with the Head

July 21, 2015

The WFTDA Rules Committee has released a Publication regarding Positional Blocking with the Head. This Publication provides clarification regarding Rule 5.6.2 and Rule 5.6.3 as outlined in the January 1, 2015, Rules of Flat Track Roller Derby, Second Edition.

Developed in conjunction with the Risk Management Committee, the clarification describes situations in which positionally blocking with the head may warrant a Misconduct Penalty. Because Blocking with the Head is unique among contact penalties, since the head is both an illegal blocking zone and an illegal target zone, deliberate and sustained positioning with the head causes an opposing Skater to lose advantage, and will be recognized as unsporting behavior through either a warning or a penalty for misconduct, if warranted.

Read the complete publication online at Rules Central. The rules will be updated in the WFTDA Rules mobile applications in the coming days.

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