WFTDA Creates New WFTDA Ed Channel with Updated Minimum Skills Requirements Tools

March 1, 2017

The WFTDA Skater Training Committee and WFTDA Broadcast are proud to announce the launch of new demonstration videos for the WFTDA Minimum Skills Requirements (MSR) to help skaters and coaches learn the minimum skills required for roller derby. WFTDA has also released a new WFTDA Minimum Skills Assessment Companion (MSAC) instructional guide to assist with the training and assessment of the MSR. The MSR document has been branded to match the look of the new series, but there are no changes to the required skills.

Along with this launch, the WFTDA Broadcast team has created the new WFTDA Ed YouTube channel, which will host WFTDA educational videos for WFTDA-member and non-member use.

“WFTDA Broadcast is excited to bring new types of video content to roller derby participants around the globe. We collaborated closely with WFTDA Training for the MSR series, with the goal of making basic skills accessible to anyone with a computer or mobile device.”

Says Director of Broadcast Operations, Erica “Double H” Vanstone. She continues;

“With our WFTDA Ed YouTube channel, we can pick up where our broadcasts leave off by getting the story behind those successful skills you see executed so well during WFTDA games.“

Visit or to access the WFTDA Minimum Skills Requirements, the WFTDA Minimum Skills Assessment Companion and links to all the videos to support the MSRs.

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