January 25, 2010
Since launching the WFTDA Apprentice Program in August of 2009, 34 leagues have been accepted into this exciting new pilot program. Designed to act as a "WFTDA 101" tutorial, the Apprentice Program will match new leagues with an established WFTDA mentor, who will guide her apprentice through the processes and requirements necessary to becoming a full member.
In addition, the mentor will offer advice and encouragement about league-specific issues, including everything from league formation (startup leagues) to how to become ranked and qualify for tournaments (veteran leagues).
Upon completion of the program, apprentice leagues will have the knowledge (and the recommendations) needed to apply for full WFTDA membership.
This program replaces WFTDA's traditional membership application process, and is a requirement for all prospective member leagues. Although the program lasts one year for most leagues, a fast-track option is available for more established leagues, and will be offered on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of WFTDA.
Real. Strong. Athletic. Revolutionary.